Your Guide to Dealing with Redo Requests
What Every Stylist Should Do When a Redo Comes Through
So, you got a redo request, huh? First things first, our advice is this–don’t sweat it too much. Yeah, if you’re getting a redo request that does identify that something didn’t go quite right, but a redo request (or two or three) is bound to happen. The best thing you can do? Figure out what it was that happened and learn how to fix it.
We’re not saying that redo requests are fun. We get it. They feel terrible–but the fact of the matter is, you can be the absolute best stylist, cosmetologist, MUA, or esthetician out there, and you’re still going to find an unhappy camper somewhere.
Does that mean you should ignore your clients’ requests? No way! A redo does signify something happened that wasn’t according to plan. Your job? Figure out what that something was.
Not sure how to deal when it comes to a redo request or two? We’ve got your back. Grab a glass of your fave beverage (if we’re talkin’ redos, we suggest wine, but you do you), kick back, relax, and read up on what your next few steps should be.
What to Do About Redos: Your Guide to Understanding & Dealing with Redo Requests
Still stressin’ about those redo requests? We got you.
These tips should help you better understand any influx of redos you’re getting in and, better yet, help you deal when the stress of it all seems too much.
Get to the Bottom of Each Request Individually
It’s easier to deal with redo requests when you tackle them one by one. Our advice? Get to the bottom of each redo request.
Communicate clearly with your clients. Ask questions that really help get to the root of the problem.
Don’t automatically apologize for whatever went wrong, but don’t blow your clients off, either.
Listen to them, empathize with them, and ask meaningful questions so you can understand what went wrong, if you did something incorrectly, or if it’s just a case of a grumpy client.
If you’re dealing with a ton of redo requests out of the blue, it’s possible they’re all rooted in the same cause–but you won’t know that until you give each case the time and care it deserves.
Don’t automatically assume the redos are related–find the evidence first!
Accept that Sometimes They’re Just Unmet Expectations
Like it or not, we can’t always communicate as clearly with our clients as we’d like–no matter how hard we try.
There’s no easy way to say this, but some clients will have expectations that simply cannot be met.
In other scenarios, clients might not have fully communicated those expectations to you in the first place.
How can you solve this?
Do your very best to set expectations from the start. And by that, we mean really harp on your direct and clear communication skills.
Explain that Instagram inspo might not work out the same way for a specific client.
Speak up if you think a client is going to be unhappy before you even begin. Set expectations and educate early on so your clients are left feeling disappointed based on a miscommunication

Amp Up Your Consultations
Ask yourself–are you being complacent with your consultations?
We know, we know, it’s a hard question to answer honestly, but an important one to consider.
Spend some good, solid time during consultations to ensure that you and your client are actually on the same page, want the same things, and have a similar goal in mind.
Before you dive into the actual service, check back in with yourself and your client–was the consultation helpful and informative?
Basics Before Everything
If you’re doing all of these things, focusing on communication, being honest, managing expectations, and really delivering when it comes to consulting, but you’re still coming back with redo requests, it’s time to go back to the basics.
Review your skills, reevaluate your workflow, and take a deep dive into the last few clients you styled.
Is something missing from your work?
Did you change anything up?
Did you add new products or change up any techniques?
Take your work right back to the basics to get a better idea of where the gaps are and what might be happening.
The reality is, if you’re getting a lot of redo requests, it’s definitely time to reevaluate.
Don’t ignore your clients–they’re not intentionally trying to hurt you; they just want to communicate with you. Let them, and more importantly, listen to them when they tell you something is off.
Look, none of us are perfect–no matter how talented we are.
Sometimes, revisiting a few redo appointments and really consulting with your clients can help you get back on track.
The most important thing? Don’t let redo requests get you down.
Trust us, they can (and will) happen to everyone–it’s all part of the gig. How you deal with them is what’s going to set you apart as a professional.
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