Bringing Depth to Your Brunettes
Top Tips to Add Dimension for Brunette Clients 

First things first, whoever told you that brunettes cannot achieve desirable depth and delicious dimension can just go on ahead and hop on outta your life–because you (and your brunette clients) don’t need that kind of negativity up in here.

For some reason, someone once started saying that brunette hair was doomed to be flat, dull, and boring. Is that fair?

No way. Is it accurate? Here’s an even more forceful no way. 

That myth is totally busted–brunette hair can be multi-layered, have plenty of dimensions, and give depth a whole new meaning.

As a stylist, you just need to know how to bring it when it comes to popping a little color, brightness, or depth to your brunette beauties.

Depth and dimension in color are important–the visual illusion of thickness, shape, and texture is pretty much all determined by that depth and dimension.

In other words, the more flawlessly you can pull off contouring a client’s hair (especially those bombshell brunettes), the more dimension you can bring to a look.

Not sure how to tackle this off the bat? Don’t sweat it.

EBS is here and ready to help.

We’ve compiled a few helpful tips, tricks, and techniques that are sure to assist you in taking your brunette beauties and their desirable dimension to all new, next-level heights.

All you have to do?

Keep reading! Then, apply a few of these tips and let us know how they worked out for you.

Tips for Visible Brunette Depth

Weaving Out Lowlights

The best trick for adding extra depth?

Give those lowlight sections a little more attention. 

You can go ahead and weave out your average-sized sections for your highlights but give those lowlight sections a little more love and space to help the brighter pieces pop.

Why opt for this strategy? Those lowlights deserve attention–you don’t want them to get buried in the brightness where they can’t do their job (provide that delightful contrast).

Balayage All Day

We believe in balayage–and we think you should, too.

Balayage is a great option for adding depth, especially when you get comfy with the idea that balayage isn’t just limited to lightening hair.

Use a balayage technique with your lowlights to sweep a little needed dimension onto those brunette locks.

brunette depth

Picking Your Perfect Placement

Where you place, color is just as important as what colors you’re picking.

Sometimes, brunette color and dimension can look muddy or murky–and often, this could have been avoided by more intentional placement.

Think long and hard about where you’re putting color­–light or dark­–and how it might affect the overall look.

Ditch the Murk with Fill Color

It’s possible that your clients will need a fill color to keep the color formulation from turning hair muddy.

If you’re working with highlights or lowlights, the right fill color can help keep the murky shades out of the process.

Add Depth Behind Your Bright Pieces

This is where contouring really comes into play.

The basic idea behind dimension is the intentional, thoughtful play between dark and light. How do you maximize this depth? 

Offering a little extra dimension.

If you place your dark pieces behind your brighter parts, you’ll create an illusion of light and shadow interplay that creates depth and space along with emphasis and volume.

Highlights need to stay away from the ends of the hair, so they stay nice and bright, and depth needs to go underneath to provide a little extra shadow. Sure, this strategy looks good, but it can even help hair appear thicker!

No More Muddy Ends–Watercolor Balayage Can Help

Want to ensure that the ends stay bright while you’re working on lowlights? Opt for a watercolor balayage strategy. With this technique, you’ll dilute the formula with water to keep those muddy, mucky tones at bay.

Why is this a go-to move? Water (as an oxidizer) will be the much-needed buffer for ends when you’re adding color to hair. The result? A seamless blend without mucky consequences.

You’re mere steps away from bringing brunette dreams to life! Got your own brunette depth and dimension advice, insight, and tricks to offer the community?

We’re here for it. Drop a comment in the reply section below to give us (and stylists) the extra inspo we need to take brunettes to beautiful new levels.

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