Should You Opt for a Salon Suite?
The 6 Signs You're Ready to Make Big Moves
Do you love your job but aren’t feeling super inspired in your current spot?
Are you feelin’ a little bit like a big fish in a small pond? Are you high-key thinking that you could grow into some seriously stellar potential if only you had a little more space to do just that?
Beauty pro, it sounds like you’ve got need-a-salon-suite syndrome, and you’ve got it bad.
The good news? This isn’t actually a bad thing—if anything, it’s an amazing sign that you’re for some big steps and some serious career growth.
But here’s the deal, opting for a salon suite all your own—whether you’re renting or buying—is a giant step!
We don’t say that to scare you, just to let you know that this commitment you’re thinking about making is a big damn deal in the best way.
So, how do you know if you’re ready to take the plunge?
Listen, every beauty pro is different, and there’s no one-size-fits-all answer that applies, but we’ve realized over the years that there are def some tell-tale signs that are hardcore hints that you’re ready to spread those wings of yours and fly.
If you’re experiencing any of these signs (or a combo of them!) it’s highly likely that it’s high time you found your very own salon suite.
P.S., before you dive in, remember that we’ve got an entire Salon Suite Guide eBook right here that can give you the whole dish on everything that goes hand-in-hand with your very own salon suite!
The 6 Signs You’re Seriously Ready to Move Into Your Own Salon Suite
Your Client List is Poppin'
If you’re busy as can be, can’t fit in every client you want to, and simply don’t have enough time in your current booth to accommodate all the clients you wish you could, then baby, it’s time to start thinking about a salon suite.
Take a look at your schedule and ask yourself, do you have the book to build your own schedule day in and day out without any issues? If the answer is yes, then it sounds like you’ve met that first little bit of criteria.
The Math? Done
This sign is a serious one—you’ve actually done the very miserable math. (We’re not hating on the folks who love math, but c’mon, people—when has math directly related to your career ever been fun?)
So, if you’re thinking about it all on your own, then you’re probably just about ready to take that salon step.
Remember, renting or owning your own salon suite requires you to think about things like:
- overhead costs (rent or mortgage, utilities, electric, parking, etc.)
- profit margins
- staff salaries and benefits
- product and tools
- insurance, permits, and licenses
And that’s just the start. You’ll need to rethink your rates, think about how that will affect your primary demographic and customer base, etc.
If you’ve thought through all of this and it’s all lined up, then you’re totally on your way to your own salon suite.

You've Got a 5-10 Year P an Figured Out
We’re not saying this has to be totally set in stone—life happens and things are unpredictable. But if you’ve spent time considering where and how moving into a salon suite could positively impact this 5-10 year plan, then you’re probably on the right track!
You've Laid Out the Pros and Cons
Laying out a realistic list of pros and cons isn’t always fun (or necessary!), but it can be a helpful decider if you’re in a major pickle about what to do.
Think about a very logical list of pros and cons to get started—then let the brainstorm session take off.
Having a hard time determining pros and cons of this option? Read through this list to get the creative juices flowing.
Insurance is All Figured Out
Even if your current insurance plan doesn’t necessarily have your back, that doesn’t have to stand in your way.
You’re already thinking about liability insurance, so that’s a good sign that you’re responsible enough to tackle this portion of the gig!
A Salon Suite Just Makes Sense
It might seem silly, but sometimes, you just know. If a salon suite makes sense for your goals, seems like the right direction, and makes sense for where you want to take your career, it might just feel like the right thing!
Let’s just go ahead and face it, beauty pro—the signs are all there and you’re more ready than ever to find your own salon suite to rent or own.
The best news? We’ll be behind you every step of the way. Be proud of yourself, be bold, and chase your dreams—you’ve got this covered!
Don’t forget to download the Salon Suite Guide right here for even more helpful info!
We know you’ve kind of got this whole thing figured out, but if you’re after advice, insight, guidance, help, and maybe even a little industry gossip every now and again, Elite Beauty Society has your back (P.S., we also have some sweet insurance, but that’s not really the point ATM).
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