The Undeniable Perks of Working
in the Beauty Industry
This year hasn’t exactly been the poster child of the whole “working in the beauty industry is super kick-ass” concept. The beauty and cosmetology industry as a whole is centered on touching and being close to our customers—styling hair, applying export makeup, painting killer nail designs, massaging, giving the ultimate, skin-perfecting facial.
So, needless to say, when the pandemic hit and we all took a no-touching, six-feet of distance approach to our lives (as we should have, of course), our industry sort of felt like, well, a bummer.
Tons of us were left without jobs, anxiously awaiting the re-opening of our spas, shops and salons, and it even stuck several of us in horribly complicated predicaments—even if it was technically legal to open our shops back up with the appropriate PPE, was it really the right choice?
But here’s the deal, you guys, even if COVID-19 has made us feel like our industry of choice isn’t filled with awesome perks, the reality of the situation is that, in almost every other circumstance, it totally is.
We’re here to remind you—amid any kind of dreary or bleak feelings you might be having about the industry as of late—that your career is awesome, filled with perks, and is incredibly meaningful.
Consider us your silver lining fairy here to deliver a hard dose of reality—you do have an awesome job in an amazing industry, and here’s why:
It’s an Entrance to a World of Possibilities
The beauty industry is always growing. In other words, a career in the beauty community is never going to be stagnant. Trends are changing every day, new services are constantly on the rise, different techniques are becoming popular every single day.
You’ll never have to sit in stillness in the beauty industry because it’s a commercial sector that is always in motion. That means, if you’re doing it right, you’ll have a world of opportunity laid before you at all times, no matter where you are in your career. And your opportunities can always lie beyond the chair!
You’ve Got a VIP Ticket to the Best Products, Services, and Mentors
Our careers often give us an all-access pass to the latest, greatest, and most amazing products, services, and mentors in the game. And we are totally here for that. We’re not saying that early access to a new, all-organic dry shampoo should be the reason you become a cosmetologist, but we’re not saying it hurts, either.
And the access to badass mentors isn’t too shabby either—for example, when you team up with Elite Beauty Society, you get VIP benefits from our partnership with Paul Mitchell (trust us, you’ll want to hear more about that).
Job Security
We’re putting this one right at the top even if it might not feel like it’s true—because honestly, in most any other circumstance, job security is a huge benefit to being a cosmetologist. Why? Because people will always need their hair done, they’ll always need a quality esthetician, they’ll always need a creative MUA, and they’ll always need cosmetologists.
The world could turn upside and people would still be rushing to your doors to see if you can get them in—and honestly, isn’t that kind of what happened in the COVID-19 situation? It’s not necessarily that people stopped needing you, it’s more that certain restrictions were set in place and citizens were doing their part to slow the spread of the pandemic.
It had nothing to do with a lack of demand, right? We’re willing to bet you had plenty of offers to provide your services under-the-table during the pandemic—we’re totally not saying you took anyone up on it, but we do want to point out that you were still definitely in demand.
Flexible, Flexible, Flexible
C’mon now, does it really get more flexible than a career in cosmetology? While not every beauty industry job is totally lawless and free-flowing (sure, there are definitely those careers that thrive in the 9-5 time zone), you can absolutely create a position for yourself that’s primarily focused on flexibility.
Want to be a mobile stylist who totally creates their own schedule? There’s a market for that.
Want to rent a salon suite, run it your way, and only pop in when you feel like it? Go to town, beauty queen (or king). You can be as flexible as your heart desires with a career in cosmetology.
Creativity & Business Savvy are Both Needed
With a career in the beauty biz, you get to flex both sides of your brain—you can be as creative as you want (which, most beauty pros love) but you’re also responsible for running a business (which means that business know-how can come into play). Honestly, our industry really offers you the best of both worlds.
The good news? If one or the other isn’t your jam, it’s easy to find qualified people to work with that can help you take your career to the next level.
You Get to Help Others in Unique Ways
We get a unique opportunity as cosmetologists. Sure, we’re offering a service, but we’re also making connections with people every single day in incredibly diverse ways.
We’re not just the people applying glam makeup for a wedding or styling someone’s purple mohawk—we’re human beings placed in front of other human beings for a length of time and we always, always make an impact. In other words, we get the unique opportunity to bond, help others, and foster human connection—and to us, that’s an enormous win.
If You’re Doing it Right, You Always Know What’s On-Brand
This doesn’t necessarily mean your style has to be “on-trend,” but you’ll definitely have first-hand knowledge of what’s in and what’s out. While that might not matter for your personal style (and it shouldn’t, honestly, you do you, baby), it does come in handy with your loved ones, friends, and family.
You can be the go-to guru for all things hip and trendy because you’re the one who is in the know.
So, let’s hear it, fam—what’s your fave perk of being a beauty pro? Undeniably, our industry has a lot of bonuses, but we want to know what your all-time, can’t-top-it, without-a-doubt favorite is. Drop a reply in the comment section below!
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