How You and Your Clients Can Celebrate Mental Health Awareness Month
It’s no secret that the cosmetology industry is a rewarding one–but it’s also no secret that it’s a stressful one, too. So many beauty pros deal with excess stress and mental health issues, but often they suffer by themselves.
Despite the fact that mental health struggles are common in our industry, they’re rarely discussed, and it’s often taboo to bring these things up.
But here’s the deal–mental health issues aren’t out of the ordinary. Everyone–beauty pro or not–struggles with mental health, and this month, in honor of Mental Health Awareness Month, we want to shine a light on that and show beauty pros like you that you’re not alone.
There’s no one-size-fits-all solution for mental health obstacles, and as you know, everyone (and the problems they’re dealing with) are unique.
Still, there are universally helpful practices out there that can help you better manage your mental health. And, in honor of awareness month, we’re sharing some ways that you, your fellow beauty pros, and even your clients can practice mental health awareness and management.
Tips for Honoring & Celebrating Mental Health Awareness Month
Pause, Breathe, & Take a Moment for Yourself
The term “self-care” is sort of bandied about now and typically paints itself as a fun spa day or a few hours spent binging your favorite show on the couch. Self-care can look like that–but it can also look like taking intentional time for yourself.
Try to get in the habit of pausing, taking a few moments for yourself, and breathing through the challenges you’re facing.
We’re not saying that pausing and taking a moment for yourself is going to solve all your problems–but this kind of clarity and composure can help you refocus and recenter, even in the midst of challenging mental health obstacles.
Pick an Accountability Check-In Partner
So many people try to deal with mental health issues and hardships alone–but it doesn’t have to be that way. Find a partner you can check in on and will check in with you.

That way, even if things are tough and you’re having a hard time reaching out, you know someone is going to check in with you, be a reliable shoulder to lean on and hear you out when you’re struggling.
Connect With Others
Connecting with other people can make an enormous difference in your mental health.
Whether it’s your clients, your employees, your colleagues, your family, or even a professional counselor–opening up to someone you trust is a great way to shed some of that mental weight you might be carrying. And we mean this in many different capacities, too.
Sometimes, just grabbing dinner with a buddy can be just the connection you need to conquer the mental health issues you’re dealing with. Other times, connecting with a licensed therapist for weekly sessions is just the ticket.
Spread Mental Health Awareness
Really want to honor and celebrate mental health awareness month? Spread the word about it! So many people out there think they’re on their own dealing with their mental health.
If they understood just how many other people struggle with mental health and understood there are so many resources out there for them, it could ease their burden.
Create a campaign in your shop or salon about mental health awareness, set up resources for your community, and tell your clients you’re there for them and are ready to listen. No matter what route you take, just telling people in your life (and those who might come in and out of your shop) that they’re not alone and that there’s help out there can make an enormous difference.
And after all, Mental Health Awareness Month is about just that–awareness.
Put Your Health First
Did you know that your physical and mental health are actually connected? It’s true. If you’re struggling mentally, it’s possible that something is off physically, too. In honor of this month, do a self-check-in and ask–am I putting my health first?
Ask yourself questions like:
Am I getting enough high-quality, consistent sleep?
Am I moving my body in ways that I enjoy?
Am I hydrating and eating a nutritious diet?
Am I giving my physical self enough love, attention, and care?
No, dialing in your physical health doesn’t automatically guarantee that your mental health is going to be seamless. But taking care of your physical self boosts good hormones for your brain and can encourage you to put your mental health first, too.
Do you have any go-to mental health management tips or practices that you’d like to share with the beauty community? Now is your chance! Make sure you drop a comment in the reply section below with your fave ways to balance and manage your mental health–and don’t forget to share your ideas for how you’ll be honoring Mental Health Awareness Month!
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