Two clients get their hair cut by two new beauty pros hired for the salon.

How to Find the Right Beauty Pro to Fill Your Salon Space 
Tips for a Strategic Search 

The time has come, beauty pro. 

You've been staring at that empty booth in your salon for far too long. Your space has lacked that special *something* for too many days now. Your top-notch team has a gap in it, and finally, you want it filled. 

Yep, you're going to level up your space by bringing in another team member. Hello, new beauty pro. 

You're ready for it. Your team is ready for it. And you know your customers would hella benefit from it, too. The scene is set and you're (finally!) ready to act. 

There's just one problem–you have no idea how to find the right candidate. 

Listen, filling a space in your salon with any old beauty pro isn't tough–filling that space with the right beauty pro is a lot harder. 

So, how can you go about this process in a way that gets you exactly the kind of cosmetologist you're looking for? One who fits your vibe, clicks with the existing team, and is ready and anxious to commit to your salon? 

We've got you, friend. Keep reading to learn more about how you can strategically search for and vet candidates to ensure you're getting your perfect fit beauty pro. 

Top Tips for Hiring the Right Beauty Pro for Your Salon Space 

Look in the Right Places 

The best advice we can offer for starting the search is to think hard about where you're looking.

Yes, you can post on some of those popular third-party employment sites, you can put a little feeler out on Insta (not a bad idea in our digital times, BTW), and you can post around your town.

But if you've got the perfect picture of your ideal candidate in mind, it might be a good idea to go looking for them where talent lives–especially when it's at a point where you could mold them and influence them. 

Yep, we're talkin' about new beauty school talent. 

Check-in with your connections at your local cosmetology schools. Who has promising talent? Who's a rising star?

Who's a cosmetologist who already feels like a good match for you and might just need a little support and guidance?

When you choose to work with a new cosmetologist, you get all their raw talent AND the ability to be a mentor to them.

That means helping them learn their craft while bringing them up in your salon–you can teach them how to do things your way without having to undo any bad habits they might pick up at other salons. 

Network with Other Cosmetology Pros in the Industry 

Ask your professional friends! Obviously, we don't mean go and poach anyone from your competition (that's a bad look, FYI). But think about it, you have a professional network for a reason. 

A cosmetologist does a working interview while the beauty pro in charge determine if she's a good fit.

Lean on that network. Ask them if they've got any recommendations, if they know anyone who'd be a good fit, or if they have any specific candidate in mind. 

Your network is the extension of you–they should be in your corner, wanting to help you succeed. If they've got a good person in mind, they'll share them with you.

Focus on the Interview 

Getting past the *finding candidates* stage is the first half of the battle–zeroing in on who's the right fit is the next (fun) step. For that, you're going to want to make sure your interview strategy is absolutely on point. 

By this, we don't mean ask them a bunch of tricky questions to stress them out and trip them up.

We mean create a list of strategic questions that make sense for your space, your ideal candidate, and what you're looking for. 

Think about asking them to do quick demos for things that are important for you (do you want someone to know how to do extensions right from the get-go? Do you want your new cosmetologist to be a color pro?). 

Figure out what you're looking for specifically and focus the interview question on that.

Encourage (& Answer) Their Questions, Too 

You want a talented beauty pro that's a great fit for your salon, right? That's great. But half of that is the beauty pro deciding if you're a good fit for them, too. Believe it or not, this process isn't one-sided. Cosmetologists are looking for salons that fit their criteria, just like you're looking for a cosmetologist that fits yours. 

The best way to expedite this whole process? Open the floor to questions from them–and be prepared with thoughtful answers. Let them know you understand they need to feel you out, too. Be confident, collected, and cheerful–answer their questions, explain your salon, and don't be afraid to connect with them. 

Ask for References (Then Actually Follow Up) 

References aren't just semantics–they exist for a reason!

It's pretty common to ask for a list of references when you give someone a job interview, but it's also pretty common for people to totally blow past them and not follow up. 

If you really want to make sure you're hiring the right fit, don't ignore the reference check. 

It's likely you're going to get glowing remarks from anyone they've listed on their sheet, but it's important to ask those references pointed questions that get to the root of what you're specifically looking for. 

Are they a team player? Do they take direction well? Are they self-motivated? 

Whatever really matters to you should come up during the reference check. 

Create an Ideal Environment for Your Ideal Candidate 

You know that old adage–"you get what you give?" If you have a vision in mind of the perfect cosmetologist to fill your salon space, ask yourself this question: Have I created an environment where that type of cosmetologist wants to work? 

Environment is important. Culture is important. How you treat your employees, structure their schedules, and run your salon are all important. If you're not checkin' the boxes in your salon space that would attract your ideal candidates, you might want to check yourself first! 

Do you feel like you have a better strategy for finding the next member of your amazing team?

We sure hope so. If you've got any go-to advice for filling space in your salon (strategically), drop it in the comments.

We know for a fact this beauty community would love to hear from you! 

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