If you’ve been in the beauty biz for any amount of time, you know that lately, it’s all about the brows.
Gone are the days of those skinny, little, plucked-to-death brows that made little to no impact on our faces.
Big, bold, bushy, shaped brows are in the game now.
And honestly, we’re so here for it.
The world’s shift toward bushy, shaped, and glorious brows means that there are tons of clients out there just lookin’ for some brow experts to amp their look in a snap. Who says that expert can’t be you?
Now listen, we know exactly what you’re going to say—“I’m not interested in microblading.”
You don’t need to be! There’s so much more to a badass set of brows than just microblading (though, c’mon, microblading is undoubtedly a pretty sweet gig). If you’re looking to add some eyebrow services to your beauty repertoire, you’re in the right place.
We’ve listed out some of the top services you can offer your clients as the newest eyebrow extraordinaire on the block! Offer one service or offer them all—however you want to go about it is totally up to you! Just know that the better you are at the brows, the more lucrative your eyebrow offerings will be!
Spoiler alert: Even if it’s not required that you have extra licensing and certifications for these added eyebrow services, we encourage you to do your homework, get licensed, and make sure you’re certified.
Not only will this give you the experience you need to do a damn good job on your client’s brows, but it shows your potential clientele that you’re a badass professional who knows what’s up—and has the cert to prove it.
KEY TAKEAWAYS: In this article, cosmetologists and beauty pros will learn about the benefits of adding eyebrow education to their salons, spas, or shops while also discovering a few of the many eyebrow services they can offer within their own businesses.
Eyebrow Education: What Beauty Pros Need to Know About Offering Eyebrow Services
What You Need to Know About Offering Eyebrow Services
If you're a beauty pro who's got the world on a string without offering more than a basic eyebrow service on your menu, you're probably wondering WHY you'd even bother investing the time and energy into eyebrow education.
We get it, but there are major benefits to investing in the world of eyebrow education. Hear us out. Adding new eyebrow services to your business (and thereby doing the necessary eyebrow education courses), you can:
- target entirely new audiences in new markets (hello, revenue)
- boost your profit with easy add-on services (like a quick thread or eyebrow dye)
- expand your services and find a skill you're insanely passionate about
- train other cosmetologists after you've been certified
- create digital resources for profit based on your experience with eyebrow education
And that's really just the start of it. Adding eyebrow services to your menu opens up new and exciting doors for you, giving you access to rooms within the cosmetology industry you might have had before.
Eyebrow Services to Consider for your Eyebrow Education Courses
Threading is an ancient hair-removal technique that requires a little bit of patience and a whole lot of skill. Threading involves two rolls of cotton pieces being threaded over the surface of the skin to remove unwanted hair from the follicle. (It’s quite a process to watch).
The pros of threading? It’s an organic process that doesn’t require any wax, chemicals, tints, dyes, or otherwise, so it’s a great choice for clients with sensitive skin.
The downside—it can be a little painful for clients if it’s not done perfectly and it can take some time to really get this strategy right.
The eyebrow game has evolved, people. In other words, it’s not always about getting rid of eyebrow hair. Sometimes, it’s about helping your clients make their brows appear fuller, lusher, and heartier. That’s where tinting comes in.
Tinting is a process where you apply a gentle dye (usually a semi-permanent vegetable dye) to your clients’ arches for a few minutes (probably between 10-15) to help give them the appearance of fuller, more dramatic brows that have a defined, shape. Typically, you’ll want to go a shade or two darker than their natural color—but be sure not to get too matchy-matchy with your clients’ hair color.
The goal of tinting is to make everything look natural. Tinting usually lasts anywhere from 1-3 months. One quick point though—make sure you’re checking with your state’s regulations to make sure it’s legal for you to add this service to your offerings.
Offering tinting services makes sense, right? People fill in their brows with makeup on a daily basis—why not offer a cheat code for waking up with filled-in, bushy, beautifully shaped brows?
We think it’s an exceptional service to offer your clients.
Trimming & Tweezing
These services are for everybody—and we mean everybody. Men, women, little ones, older clients—whoever needs a little unwanted hair on their brows tamed, this service is a lifesaver.
Tweezing and trimming are simple techniques that help to shape brows and ensure that clients are keeping their eyebrows maintained and tidy without running the risk of ruining their own set of brows. This service is quick and simple, so it won’t be quite the money maker that other brow services might be, but it’s an easy add-on for your clients that takes no time at all and can throw in a few extra bucks for you!
The key to the perfect trim and tweeze? The right type of tools. Make sure you’re investing in straight blade scissors and high-quality tweezers before you tack on this service.

Shaping & Waxing
No, we’re not talkin’ about channeling our middle school brows (please don’t make us all relive that skinny-brow era again, haven’t we suffered enough?). We’re talking about professional waxing to help shape brows into their ideal arches.
Waxing isn’t always the ideal way to shape brows—it’s not a great option for people with sensitive skin as hot wax can irritate or burn that sensitive area—but it does work wonders for people going for a strong and sculpted arch. Our best advice for waxing and shaping services?
Make sure you’re focusing on waxing as a shaping technique—not so much as an unwanted hair removal technique. Save that for trimmers, tweezers, and scissors.
Yeah, yeah, like we said, it’s not all about microblading, but c’mon, we couldn’t not mention it. Microblading is a brow-filling technique that’s pretty similar to tattooing. It essentially involves you—a licensed microblading expert—using a small blade to cut tiny hair-like lines along a client’s brow area and then filling them in with a tint. In other words, you’re inserting pigment into the upper layers to help alter the shape of brows and give them a thicker, more filled-in look.
Microblading is great because it can last anywhere from 12-18 months and can truly change the look of someone’s brows—even those of us who never quite recovered from the skinny-brow phase. The service is by far the priciest eyebrow service you can offer, but for good reason—it takes certifications, licensing, training, and lots of practice.
Lucky for you, we offer additional microblading coverage, click here to learn more about microblading insurance!
Have you successfully integrated eyebrow services into your beauty offerings? We want to hear about it!
Tell us in the comments about how you started adding eyebrow services to your repertoire and be sure to share what your fave services are!
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