Easy (& Last-Minute) Halloween Tips for Beauty Pros
No Tricks–Just Tips & Treats
The spooky season is upon us, and if you feel woefully underprepared for the upcoming night of creepy crawlies, there’s nothing to fear.
While many people, including other beauty pros, have a tendency to go all-out for Halloween, it’s not too late to make the most of the holiday—even if you haven’t prepared in the slightest.
With a little help from us, duh, your BFFs in the beauty biz, you can celebrate like you’ve been planning for months.
Practically every holiday is an opportunity to have a little fun and benefit your business at the same time, and Halloween is no exception. Follow these easy (and last-minute) tips to set your salon up for a ghoulish good time.
Quick Tips for a Happy Beauty Pro Halloween
The trick-or-treaters will be roaming the streets, and the candy will be flowing like water (whether that's a good or a bad thing, we're not here to judge). Whether you’re a costume fanatic, a horror movie fiend, or tend to hide away until the frights have called it a night, Halloween is a great opportunity to benefit your beauty business.
Better still, it’s simple—just give the following ideas from Elite Beauty Society a try.
Add Some Simple But Festive Décor ASAP
Nothing says Halloween like scary decorations. From cobwebs to ghosts to bats and gravestones, Halloween décor lets you embrace your creative side and craft a haunting (and playful) environment within your shop.
Even if you’ve waited until the last minute to decorate, you can put together a fun and frightening scene for your patrons and passersby to enjoy. Stop by your local party store or drop into a nearby retailer to pick up some haunting elements for your new, improved, and extra spooky shop. These decorations can be very affordable, so have fun designing on a budget!
Join in a Community Event (Even if it's the Last Minute)
Most communities (yours included, probs) offer family-friendly opportunities to celebrate Halloween in safe, controlled environments. These events—whether they’re staged by the city, local farms, or churches—bring the community together in meaningful ways, giving the entire family a chance to have fun and lean into the festivities.
As a local business, such Halloween celebrations are also an excellent way to increase your brand recognition and improve your reputation. Finding ways to get involved in one of these events—if not this year, then next—is a great idea if you want to connect with and deepen your relationships with the community.
(Pssst. Just trust us, it's a good idea. You'll probably have fun while you do it, too).
Stock Up on Candy (and Business Cards)
While Halloween may have some more sinister undertones, the vast majority of people participating in the holiday are in it for the lighthearted fun and delicious sweets. In other words, you’re likely to encounter your fair share of trick-or-treaters this October, and you should be prepared to reward them with treats!
Handing out candy—especially from your place of business, if possible—is rewarding in its own right. If you want to take things a step further, you can consider including some kind of marketing materials with the candy. Things like business cards or stickers are inexpensive and can help get your brand name into the hands of people who otherwise might not be familiar with your salon.
Just be sure to keep the emphasis where it belongs—on helping the kids have a fun Halloween!
Keep Your Schedule Open (& a Little Flexy)
Dressing up is one of the calling cards of Halloween, and there’s a good chance that you’ll have a handful of people looking for last-minute help with their hair, nails, and makeup. To accommodate these Halloween hopefuls, consider keeping a few time slots open on your schedule.
That way, when someone comes looking for your professional help to perfect their holiday look, you’ll be able to assist them in creating the scariest (or sexiest, Halloween has many vibes) All Hallow’s Eve getup imaginable.
Show Up Where it Counts–Shine on Social Media
The fun, creative, and downright disturbing looks associated with Halloween are among the most entertaining aspects of the holiday. As a beauty pro, they also provide a unique opportunity to flex your skill, creativity, and personality on social media.
By leaning into the festivities, you can create a buzz on social media. Experiment with different looks (on yourself or others), try new techniques, and go a little crazy. Then, share the results (and potentially, the process) on social media. This timely exercise could help you catch a trend and gain some exposure, which is always good for business.
Even if you don’t have the time (or desire) to mess around with Halloween hairstyles and makeup, you can leverage social media and the holiday to the benefit of your beauty biz. Share information about local events, offer holiday discounts, and engage with content from others in your community who are going all-out for Halloween!
The spookiest time of the year doesn’t have to be scary for hair stylists, makeup artists, and other beauty pros. It can be quite the opposite, granting you a multitude of chances to gain exposure for your business, get involved in your community, and have a little fun.
For more tips, tricks, and insights related to the beauty pro business, be sure to subscribe and check out our blog. Happy Halloween!

Meet Hanna Marcus, the Founder and Head Copy Gal behind Boundless Copy, a one-of-a-kind copywriting agency that specializes in big, bold brand voice and industry-disrupting copy that’s all about resonating with the right audience.
Hanna has proudly teamed up with Elite Beauty Society for several years as their go-to copywriter on all things beauty, small biz marketing, and brand voice development. She’s big on feeling-first writing–her personal soapbox is that the best copy starts with telling a story.
When she’s not writing cheeky, converting copy for clients, she’s mentoring other aspiring copywriters and creating digital copywriting resources designed for service pros and focused on taking the stress out of DIY copywriting.