A full-time professional beauty job artist does her client's makeup.

KEY TAKEAWAYS: Some full-time professional beauty careers might have your back on liability insurance – but that doesn't mean you shouldn't invest in your own. Read through this blog to get a clear picture of how cosmetology liability insurance that's all yours can change the game for your career. 

*This blog was last updated on 01/21/2025

You probably don’t need us to dive into a whole explanation of why insurance is necessary for your cosmetology career.

It’s likely you’ve already heard the spiel about the importance (if not from us, probably from some other insurance company) so we don’t need to do the whole performance for you.

But what we haven’t really touched on in the insurance realm is the importance of having your own cosmetology liability insurance.

By that, we mean that often just having insurance is highlighted, but not having your own.

That means a lot of cosmetologists are out there relying—or planning to rely on—their employer’s insurance offerings. 

It’s no secret that cosmetology insurance is a must when you choose a career in the beauty industry. The question is, what jobs in cosmetology provide beauty insurance, and is it enough?

Determining whether your employer offers some form of liability insurance is essential when you take a full-time beauty professional job. From there, it’s important to take into account what the policy includes, what it covers, and if it might leave you exposed in a situation where you need to use it.

In other words, just because your employer offers liability insurance does not mean that the policy they provide is comprehensive enough for your needs. Rather than leaving this vital aspect of your professional beauty career in the hands of someone else, you should take control of your own destiny and consider investing in an additional cosmetology insurance policy.

Having your own cosmetology liability insurance, even if your employer offers a policy to you, can be the difference between being vulnerable in the face of a lawsuit and being fully protected and confident.

We feel the need to be really clear—it’s very necessary for you to have your own cosmetology liability insurance policy, even if your employer could (or does) offer one to you.

Full-Time Beauty Professional Job 101: Liability Insurance

What is Beauty Liability Insurance?

Consider liability insurance to be your safety net. It is there for you when something bad, damaging, or completely unexpected happens, and it protects you from the possible repercussions of those events–whether they’re real or alleged.

Beauty liability insurance is designed to safeguard you, your career, your finances, and your future in the face of legal issues, lawsuits, and so on. It relieves you of the potential financial responsibility and loss that often come as a result of such circumstances.

It also gives you access to experts to handle any claims for you, giving you the confidence and peace of mind you need to thrive as a beauty pro in a lawsuit-happy world. Having the pros in the insurance industry on your side when you need them is a huge benefit of a good cosmetology insurance policy.

While you don’t expect anything bad to happen in your beauty career, the unthinkable can happen. Whether you make a mistake when working with a client or something out of your control happens (like an allergic reaction to a product), having a reliable safety net to protect you from what follows is a must.

Having comprehensive beauty liability insurance helps alleviate the burden of stress you might feel, keeps your career safe, and prevents your finances from falling into chaos if a costly lawsuit does occur. 

The Full-Time Beauty Professional Jobs That Provide Cosmetology Insurance

While we can’t give you clear-cut data that shows what percentage of beauty businesses provide insurance or what level of coverage they tend to offer, we can tell you that many employers do provide some form of liability insurance for their cosmetologists.

A client gets her makeup done by her artist, a pro with a full-time beauty professional job.

When you accept full-time beauty professional jobs, there’s a good chance you’ll have some form of beauty insurance coverage. You may be added to the salon or spa’s plan as an additional insured, or they might set you up with some kind of extra coverage, but is that enough?

Even if your employer does offer you beauty liability protection, it is worth considering investing in your own coverage. Many cosmetologists are completely reliant (or plan to rely) on the insurance their employer offers, which could leave them vulnerable when they need coverage the most.

Why You Should Invest in Your Own Beauty Insurance Policy

Not All Cosmetology Insurance is Equal

Your employer might offer all of their employees access to liability insurance, and that’s amazing. It shows they care about the people who work for them and want to protect you in the event of something bad happening.

At the same time, you are an extension of their brand, and they are responsible for you to a degree. Investing in coverage for you is likely part of a bigger issue for them–protecting their business.

This isn’t bad by any means. In fact, it’s totally normal and expected. However, it does mean that the policy they offer is likely more focused on protecting them and their business, not you. Sure, you will have more protection than being entirely without a policy, but you could have better coverage.

"Many cosmetologists are completely reliant (or plan to rely) on the insurance their employer offers, which could leave them vulnerable when they need coverage the most."

Rather than settling for the minimal coverage that you most likely receive from your employer, you should invest in coverage designed for you. This ensures that you are fully protected when the unthinkable happens, preventing you from facing unexpected expenses or dealing with certain aspects of a lawsuit on your own.

If insurance is an umbrella, policies provided by full-time beauty professional jobs are held by your employer, meaning that they are completely covered. On the other hand, you are on the outskirts, exposed to some of the bad weather and rain. It’s better than no umbrella at all, but you’re still getting wet.

When it comes to cosmetology liability insurance, it is best to have your own umbrella when the storm comes.

Not All Full-Time Professional Beauty Jobs Include Insurance

While many employers offer their cosmetologists some form of liability insurance, there are exceptions. In situations where your employer does not provide any coverage, it is up to you to seek out and secure your own policy.

The other common situation that beauty professionals encounter is when they take a non-traditional path in their career. For example, if you choose to be a freelancer, mobile stylist, or otherwise be your own boss, you will be responsible for your own cosmetology insurance.

There are pros and cons to this responsibility. While the pressure you feel to choose the right policy and the expense that comes with it might be drawbacks, it is an opportunity to select coverage that actually works for you.

Remember, you should invest in beauty pro insurance even if your employee provides coverage, so the cost of an individual policy shouldn’t be substantially higher if you’re self-employed. Working for yourself–and choosing your own cosmetology insurance–is a fantastic opportunity to invest in yourself, your career, and your future.

When choosing a policy, make sure it has both professional and general liability coverage. This ensures that you are covered in the event of accidents, mistakes, and more. Other forms of coverage may be worth considering depending on your situation and needs, but you should always have professional and general liability insurance as a beauty pro.

Protecting yourself, your career, and your finances as a beauty pro might feel daunting, but with the right guidance and a little research, you can find a cosmetology insurance policy that fits your needs and budget. Then, you can focus on what you love–helping your clients achieve their dream results.

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