Common Spray Tan Insurance Claims
As a spray tan technician or salon operator, you should be aware of some potentially risky situations you may encounter throughout your career. Whether you're a seasoned tanner or just starting your journey, knowing what could go wrong and how spray tan liability insurance could help protect you is crucial.
While spray tanning is typically safe for most clients, a few abnormal situations, accidental injuries, or other incidents could occur. Even if you carefully follow procedures and safety measures, no one can predict when something will go wrong. Here are a few examples of common spray tan liability insurance claims.
Professional Liability Spray Tan Claims
Professional liability claims arise when the spray tan operator or salon owner is accused of making a mistake that leads to someone's harm or injury. These types of claims are specific to your profession. Professional liability insurance is sometimes called errors and omissions coverage because it involves professional mistakes.
An example of professional liability for a spray tan operator could be failing to provide adequate safety equipment or instructions. This mistake could cause the tanning solution to irritate the client, harm them, or cause them to injure themselves.
Another possible example is mixing the tanning solution incorrectly, leading to discoloration or staining. A number of factors could contribute to undesired coloring after a spray tan, such as inadequate skin preparation, errors in the application process, or failure to maintain equipment adequately.
In either of these situations, the spray tan operator could be held liable for the damages their professional mistake caused. A client could sue for medical expenses, reparations, time away from work, or any personal property damaged during the process. The expense of a professional error could be detrimental to many salon owners and spray tan operators.
Depending on the severity of the injuries, a professional error could be a costly mistake for an uninsured spray tan operator. Injuries related to spray tan facilities can vary widely. Some common issues are:
Skin irritation
Eye discomfort
Injuries caused by unsafe equipment
Poor sanitary conditions
Due to the physical nature of spray tan operations, potentially risky situations may create an unsafe environment for clients and operators. Negligent professional errors or omissions could damage your reputation, career, and business, so it's essential to take extra precautions with every client. By carefully following safety procedures, inspecting equipment, and double-checking safe operation policies, you can help prevent many common professional liability claims.
General Liability Spray Tan Claims
In addition to professional liabilities, general liability claims for spray tan salons could be detrimental to your life as a spray tan technician. General liability risks are universal situations that are not specific to your profession. These claims could be related to a hazardous work environment, poorly maintained facilities, or elements outside your control. General liability insurance is often called slip-and-fall coverage because these are the most common claims.
Because general liabilities can occur in any environment, protecting yourself from these claims is paramount for any professional. If a client injures themselves after they slip on a freshly mopped floor or an out-of-place piece of equipment, they could demand that you pay for any expenses related to the incident.
For example, a new client walks in for a session and slips on a puddle left by a spilled drink in your lobby. The client breaks her wrist in the fall and needs immediate medical attention. Because you failed to maintain a safe environment for your clients, the injured woman could sue you for medical expenses, legal fees, time away from work, etc. Bills like that can add up quickly, and before you know it, you're out of a job and have ruined your career.
Situations like these are all too common in beauty and wellness professions. Maintaining a safe environment for your clients, fellow workers, and employees is critical to help prevent unfortunate circumstances like the example above. Of course, even the most well-maintained facilities can hold unforeseen hazards and risky situations. That's where spray tan liability insurance can come in handy to help defend against general liability lawsuits against you. When you're covered with general liability insurance, you don't have to worry.
Product Liability Spray Tan Claims
As a spray tan operator, product liability claims may be some of the most prevalent. These claims result from issues with your products, chemicals, and equipment. Naturally, spray tan operators use products with every client, so product liability coverage is necessary.
Product liability claims for spray tan operators are typically related to allergic or adverse reactions to the tanning solution. An allergic reaction could stem from a known allergy or a previously unknown condition, and the severity could differ from case to case. While some reactions could be mild skin irritations, others could be more serious, like asphyxiation.
Although you may be careful when working with your clients to operate safely, an allergic reaction can sometimes be unpredictable. If a client sustains skin irritation, burning, or rashes after using your products, the client could claim negligence on your part and try to hold you accountable for any costs related to the reactions.
In more severe cases, like asphyxiation, the medical expenses, legal fees, and related costs could be exorbitant. That's why it's essential to protect yourself with spray tan liability insurance. Instead of fronting the cost from your resources, your liability insurance company can help cover the bill when something goes wrong.
While allergic reactions may be uncommon in the spray tan industry, you will want to be prepared when one occurs. Following strict safety measures, informing your clients about your products, and avoiding risky situations can help circumnavigate a sticky situation before it becomes harmful or dangerous. Be ready for anything with every client, and always follow your safe operations guidelines.
Personal Injury Claims
Personal liability claims are related to non-biological injuries that harm a client non-physically. These types of claims are more mental or psychological instead of physical damage or property damage. Some common examples could include the following:
Slander: Slander is the act or crime of speaking falsely about someone, resulting in a damaged reputation.
Libel: Libel is similar to slander in that it harms another person’s reputation. However, libel is strictly printed or published material. These claims could include social media posts, blogs, or website material. It's essential to be careful with what you say online and in published material.
Breach of privacy: If you divulge a client's information or invade their privacy, this could fall under a personal injury claim. Every client has the right to privacy, so invading that right could result in serious accusations and a damaged career.
For example, a salon operator named Bridget frequently posts on her social media platforms that a rival tanning salon uses inferior products. Although there is no evidence to support this claim, this material could damage the competing salon’s reputation and impact its business. The rival salon could hold Bridget responsible for the loss of income based on a libel claim of personal injury.
While this ordeal could have been prevented, having a plan to protect herself against personal injury claims could have helped Bridget cover the expenses related to the libel accusations. If you face a personal injury claim against you, spray tan liability insurance could be the difference between total ruin and security.
Advertising Liability Claims
Advertising liability claims are related to copyright infringement, stolen ideas, and intellectual property issues. As your tanning salon grows, protecting yourself against accusations of advertising liability will become increasingly prevalent.
For example, let's say a salon operator named Rico promotes his tanning services on social media, blogs, and local advertising. Instead of using a campaign of his own design, Rico copies and pastes an advertisement from a former employer from a few years ago. Because this advertising campaign included specific details and intellectual property exclusive to the previous salon, he could be in danger of advertising liability. If his former employer received word about the intellectual property infringement, Rico could be held responsible for any damages and expenses related to the advertisement.
Although Rico may have made an innocent error, it could have cost him his career, reputation, and more. On the other hand, if Rico had spray tan liability insurance through Elite Beauty Society, he might have been spared the heavy price.
Even careful, experienced tanning salon operators could be on the wrong end of a liability lawsuit at some point. It's far better to be prepared with adequate liability coverage than to be caught off guard by a sudden accusation against you.
Don't Worry - We Have you Covered
Situations like the ones above are common liability claims against spray tan technicians and salon operators. However, when you have a spray tan liability insurance policy through Elite Beauty Society, you don't have to worry. We've covered situations like these for thousands of clients and would be honored to be your spray tan liability insurance provider. Apply for spray tan operator insurance today and gain peace of mind with your coverage.