A beauty pro shows off her newly styled hair as part of her beauty business marketing strategy.

Beauty Pro Marketing: How to Become a Walking Billboard

Imagine it: you walk into your dentists office and they're disheveled, unorganized, and a total mess. To top it off, they've got seriously unhealthy teeth they're not interested in showing off.

What would you think? Seriously–think it through. 

We're not fans of passing judgement on people in a personal setting. But from a professional standpoint, we do think that some things matter–especially within the context of your profession.  

In other words, let's face it–we live in a world where the first impression means more than people think.

Cosmetology is no longer an overlooked profession—you are the “doctor” of hair (if you want to call it that). And that means you deserve to be taken seriously. But if you're not taking your beauty pro marketing seriously in the most foundational way (with yourself as a walking billboard for your biz), how can you expect others to? 

What does that mean, exactly? 

It means, walk the walk and talk the talk, duh.

 Think about all of the places you go to on a daily basis, grocery shopping, gym, mall, etc. all of these places are opportunities for you to catch someone's eye and hand out a business card.

KEY TAKEAWAYS: This article outlines clear, tangible steps beauty pros can take to better their beauty pro marketing techniques through appearance, positivity, and social media presence. 

Must-Include Beauty Pro Marketing Trips for Your Daily Routine 

Dress Like a Beauty Pro

For too long we've all subscribed to the whole "black is the new black" motto with our hairstylist uniform. Obviously, a black wardrobe can come in handy for spills and the daily messiness of being a cosmetologist, but that doesn't mean a head-to-toe black uniform is a must.

You know that phrase dress for the job you want, not the job you have? Well, it's true–and we're recommending you do the dang thing with your wardrobe. Get cute, get trendy, and do your thing according to your ambition, your brand, and your daily tasks. 

And. P.S.–even if you do choose to wear all black (which you can), there's no reason you can't be hella trendy about it! Opt out of faded or stained black clothes, keep your bottoms comfy but work-appropriate, and try your best to preserve your clothing! 

Post, Post, Post on Social Media 

You want to be a walking billboard for your business and your career? Ladies and gents, that's what social media is for. This is YOUR platform; why aren't you posting about your business? 

A beauty pro practices her beauty pro marketing while using social media.

Create a social media schedule, post on all your platforms, and build up a following. Then share relatable stuff with your audience, grow connections, and make sure your platforms are working for you. 

Pssst. Need some social media tips and tricks for your own strategy? We've got an eBook for that

Talk About Your Biz Proudly & Often 

If you really want to represent your business in the best light, speak about it often and in a positive way! Obviously, running a business–or working as a cosmetologist–isn't always the easiest gig. And just like every other job, you're going to have rough day! 

But if you're a consistent source of pride, positivity, and happiness when discussing your career, people are going to notice–and they're going to remember that. 

Keep your mindset sunny and your self-talk optimistic–you'd be a mazed what kind of power that has as an advertising tool. 

Your Hair? A Must 

We know, we know–stylists are infamous for being able to create stunning styles on their clients while simultaneously holding their needs-to-be-dyed, grown-out roots up with a chip clip. Kind of a rite of passage of being a stylist, isn't it? Well, we're advising you to break the mold and actually do your hair–gasp! 

It's revolutionary, but we recommend it. Here's why: if you want to show someone what you can do with hair, you've got to start with your own. You're a literal walking billboard for the skills you've got, and if nine times out of 10, you're totally ignoring yourself as a blank canvas, you're missing out on a major opportunity to advertise your talents. 

Clean, Manicured, & Professional

You may not be able to have it all figured out, but your presentation can be professional–whatever your version of professional looks like. Think about it, what do people think about your appearance when you tell them you're a cosmetologist? What's their first thought about your presentation when you hand them a cosmetology business card? 

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Your hands, your cleanliness, and your appearance all matter–in other words, make sure you didn't just do a  level three color on a client with no gloves (guilty). If you don’t like nail polish that’s OK, too, but keeping your hands looking clean and manicured is key.

We get it –taking care of yourself after a long day at the salon can be exhausting. But never underestimate the energy you give off to people when you look the part. Gaining a new client can be one compliment away, and with these salon marketing tips, you can be sure to stop someone right in their tracks.

See what we mean? A few little edits to your appearance and perspective can change the way you advertise your business, your salon, and yourself.

If you're in the business of always improving, you're in the right spot–this blog is all about sharing helpful advice, must-know industry updates, and tips for ambitious cosmetologists (like you). 

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