A client whips her around her in the middle of a snowy day, confident in her hair health thanks to her beauty pro's winter hair & skin tips.

Beauty Pro-Approved Winter Tips for Your Clients' Skin & Hair 
The Top Tips to Improve Skin & Hair Health in the Cold Weather 

Winter is full of amazing things–cozy clothes, delicious hot beverages, snuggling around the fire, and snowy activities.

And while we love winter for all that it brings us, as beauty pros who know a thing or two about skin and hair health, we understand that winter can be bleak. 

There’s no denying that winter–with its harsh winds, low temps, and dry air–can cause a whole lot of mayhem and do a ton of damage. The good news? You know that there are lots of tips and tricks to help combat (and prevent) these issues. 

Want to make sure you’re providing your clients with the go-to list of all things helpful this winter? We’ve got your back. Keep reading for more insight. 

But first–we’re going to throw something else out there. Winter might be rough on skin and hair, but it can also be tough in the accident department. Stuff is slippery, people fall, and mistakes are made. That’s where esthetician insurance comes in. 

Whether you’re an esthetician, a cosmetologist, or a beauty pro with a title all your own, you need to invest in liability insurance. Esthetician liability insurance, beauty pro liability insurance, and cosmetology liability insurance are musts year-round–but especially in the winter when slips, falls, and mistakes can happen. 

For now, though, read on–let’s dive into the top tips you need to know to help your clients make it through the cold months with healthy skin and hair.

Tips & Tricks to Help Your Client Protect their Hair & Skin During the Winter Months 

Conquer Hat Static with Silk Caps 

That static look is so last season–JK, that was never in style. Help your clients battle the damaging static they get from popping beanies and warm hats on and off during the winter by showing them the magic of a silk cap. (You know silk pillowcases are great for skin and hair health–caps can provide all the benefits in a to-go package). 

Find a few faves you swear by so you can recommend them to your clients, teach them how to use them, and, of course, explain the glorious benefits of silk on their hair to prevent breakage, protect against split ends, and keep their locks luscious. 

Want to amp up the protection? Opt for a silk scarf that protects your mids and ends from your hoodies, harsh fabrics, and heavy jackets. 

Cut Back on the Hot Tools 

 As you know, it can be incredibly tempting to opt for cute, wintery styles achieved with the power of hot tools. During the winter, though, it’s sometimes best to advise your clients to lay low on the heat. 

They’re already battling dry, brittle hair thanks to the weather, wind, and overall dryness of winter–hot tools are just going to exacerbate the problem. Want to help them come up with non-heat solutions to get the same look? Educate them! Create a list of your fave no-heat styling techniques, set up a class for your clients, or even share that content on social media (tutorials are a great digital marketing strategy, BTW). 

Keep Diligently Applying SPF

Nope, contrary to their belief, your clients still need to apply their daily SPF in the winter. The sun might not be out and about as much as we’d like, but she’s still there–and her lovely rays are reaching us.

We know vitamin D is a must for hair, skin, and overall health–but the wrong exposure can also cause damage. Encourage your clients to protect themselves in the winter–because even gray, dreary days can cause as much damage as snowy, sunny, bluebird days in the cold months. 

We know, we know–there’s nothing better than a steamy shower when it’s frigid outside. But did you know that super-hot water can actually damage your skin and hair–especially when you’re dealing with cold temps? Hot water opens your pores, washes away essential sebum (oils), and can ultimately dry out your skin and hair worse than before.
A client oils the ends of her hair, using her stylist's winter skin & hair tips and advice.

Moisturize, Moisturize, Moisturize–But With the Right Ingredients 

It’s no secret that skin and hair are extra dry during the winter. Encouraging your clients to moisture, do deep conditioning masks, opt for oil treatments, etc., are all good ideas–but make sure they’re using the right ingredients for their skin. Do a check-in with your clients. For example–are your clients with sensitive skin breaking out more despite additional moisturizing? They might be using a too-heavy, too-oily product. Redirect them to a moisturizer that does the same thing but with the right ingredients for them. 

Stop Wind-Burnt Skin Before it Starts 

Advise your clients to prevent windburn before it happens by diligently applying petroleum-based or ceramide-based moisturizers to give their skin an extra layer of protection against the harsh temps and even harsher winter winds. Is this going to prevent windburn all winter? Maybe not–but even if they forget every now and again, implementing this practice more often than not can help them keep their skin and hair happy and healthy.   

Opt for Non-Irritating Warm Fabrics

Fabrics like wool can be super cozy and warm during the winter, but if any of your clients have sensitive skin that is easily irritated by these types of fabrics, make sure you have a ready-to-go list of alternatives that can help. Options like fleece, down, hemp, and cashmere can be great choices for clients who are desperately seeking out warmth but need something gentler on their skin. Can’t get your clients to steer clear of wool? We get it–it’s one of the warmest fabrics out there. Advise them to create a base with a layer or two beneath the wool so they won’t be as irritated by the scratchy fabric. 

Treat Your Ends Carefully 

Oil treatments are a must in the winter–especially for mids and ends. Still, advise your clients to be careful how often they’re opting for oil treatments. Why? Because oil treatments and deep conditioning treatments, though effective, can wear on colored faster. That means the services they’re getting at your salon or shop might not last as long as they normally would. 

Avoid Wet Hair Outside at all Costs

Wet hair outside is usually a no-no, but this is especially true when it comes to winter. As you know, hair is at its most vulnerable when it’s wet. In the winter, wet hair is susceptible to freezing–and that means breaking. Tell your clients to avoid potential damage by drying their hair before stepping outside. If this means using hot tools, steer them toward a reliable heat protectant to help them take the right precautions. 

Turn Down the Heat in Your Shower 

We know, we know–there’s nothing better than a steamy shower when it’s frigid outside. But did you know that super-hot water can actually damage your skin and hair–especially when you’re dealing with cold temps? Hot water opens your pores, washes away essential sebum (oils), and can ultimately dry out your skin and hair worse than before.

Creating a go-to list for winter hair and skin tips could be a godsend for your clients. Make this available at your shop or salon, on social media, and have an elevator pitch you can spout off to them, too.

The more information available to them, the better! And your clients will appreciate you for being a helpful resource who wants the best for them. 

Estheticians, cosmetologists, and beauty pros of all kinds make sure you’re not just protecting your clients this winter–protect yourself, too. Opting for esthetician liability insurance is a must in all seasons, but especially during the winter (when accidents happen)! Need some help picking out the right esthetician insurance? We’ve got your back. Check out our options on our site, chat with us directly, and let’s get you covered! 

P.S., don’t forget to subscribe to the EBS blog for insights, advice, gossip, tips, and more!