Beauty Changes Lives—How Their New Campaign Is

Making a Mark  

Hold onto your hair, friends, because this blog post is about to get disruptive. Are you ready to read something life-changing? Something hyper-targeted? Something influential and wild and totally vital to the beauty industry? In other words, are you ready to Make Your Mark?

Beauty Changes Lives thinks so.

Recently, Beauty Changes Lives—a non-profit driven to make the beauty profession a first-choice career for people everywhere—announced a new campaign entitled Make Your Mark, a no-hold- barred, direct approach to showing people everywhere that the beauty industry is fraught with amazing career opportunities, endless potential, and infinite demand for fresh, determined, hard-working people within the beauty industry.

Make Your Mark takes a hard look at current data (which suggests that over 1.3M jobs could be left vacant within the beauty industry in the next year) and doesn’t pull punches when it comes to discussing demand, educating millennials and Gen Z, and of course, breaking down the barriers and stigmas that stand in the way of people finding their passions within the beauty industry.

Really Quick—What is Beauty Changes Lives All About?

For those of you who’ve never heard of Beauty Changes Lives, we’re going to do a quick-but-informative dive into their mission, their purpose, and what they aim to do. This non-profit organization is all about empowering the next generation—Gen Z, mostly—to realize their full potential, to recognize the possibility within the beauty industry, and to combine passion with career-choice. This organization works with leaders across specialties within the beauty industry to sponsor scholarships, provide work experience, foster mentorship, and create a stage on which to showcase the industry’s (and an individual’s) impact.

To learn more about Beauty Changes Lives, click here!

Let’s Talk Campaign Details—What is Make Your Mark All About?

The short answer to this question is this: Make Your Mark is a campaign that’s aiming to transform traditional perceptions about careers in beauty and raise awareness of the career opportunities, possibilities, and potential that’s available to licensed beauty professionals.

The more in-depth answer? Well, that one is a little bit longer. Essentially, Beauty Changes Lives is incorporating tons of micro and macro elements to help people understand the growing demand for beauty professionals in the industry, the data that backs this, and the infinite possibility that’s waiting when people begin to acknowledge the beauty industry as a first-choice career.

Here are a few important goals, details, and factoids that we think you should know about the Make Your Mark Campaign:

  • This campaign is focused on a disruptive, hyper-targeted campaign that’s directed at Gen Z and millennial's to help them understand the demand for professionals in the business—as data suggest, 1.3M jobs would be left vacant in the next 10 years if demand continues as projected.
  •  There’s a consumer awareness campaign built into the campaign itself that integrates micro-influencers, stories, trends, Facebook, Instagram ads, and more (the overall purpose is to show creative opportunities and financial entrepreneurial possibilities as a narrative within this industry).
  • There’s a huge push to raise $1 million for this campaign by January 2020.

So, are you ready to make your mark?

If you’re interested in donating to the campaign, click this link here! Feel like getting involved in a more hands-on, collaborative way? They’d love that! Email to get more information and to brainstorm ways that you can join the movement.

Do you love being in-the-know when it comes to the beauty biz?

Good—you’re in the right place! Our blog is regularly updated with awesome stories that keep you posted about what’s going on in the beauty industry (like the new Make Your Mark Campaign), as well as filled to the brim with business advice, industry-specific tips, and lots of trendy pieces, too!

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