A Beauty Pro's Guide to Making More Money in the Beauty Industry
An eBook Bundle All About Having More Money–Now & In the Future
Did you know that making more money in the beauty industry and planning for the future (we’re talkin’ taxes, healthcare, and insurance) go hand in hand?
It’s true–they do.
If you’re an ambitious stylist, cosmetologist, esthetician, or beauty pro of any kind who’s angling to increase their salary while making sure they’re doing everything by the book, you better believe that we’ve got that top-notch industry advice you need to succeed.
If you want real-deal, comprehensive advice to make more money in the beauty biz and keep your business on track, we highly recommend you download our one-of-a-kind eBook bundle.
In it, you’ll find all the tips and tricks for increasing your salary, protecting your business, and tackling the tough stuff–like insurance, taxes, and more!
Want a taste of what you’ll get in that bundle? Read this blog. We’re sharing a few (and only a few!) of the top tips from the bundle.
Tips for Making More in the Beauty Biz
Did you know that making more isn’t just about raising your prices, charging appropriately, and saving your money?
It’s about making smart choices, chasing the right audience, and focusing on your skills!
Keep reading to learn more tips about how you can make more money now and later.

Know Your Audience & Zero in on Them
Stop trying to be everything for everyone. If you have an ideal audience, seek them out! Even if you’re great at being a jack-of-all-trades, that’s not always the wisest way to make money. Know who you’re trying to target, then chase them relentlessly.
Remember, it’s not worth it to try to target everyone–they’re not who you’re after. You’re looking for your ideal market, the people who want your services, and you want to make them repeat customers. Chasing down every person who might stumble across your site or walk into your shop doesn’t mean you’ll make more money.
Don’t Try to Do it All – Find Your Niche
In the same vein, don’t try to do it all! Even if you’re a rockstar at, like, everything, don’t try to do it all.
Why? Because you’re putting a ton of effort into a bunch of areas–that’s exhausting and unsustainable. What’s the best way to tell if you’re trying to do too much?
If you’re working more but making less.
It sounds silly, but if you take stock of your services and your hours and you realize the earnings aren’t adding up, that’s probably a sign you’re doing too much.
Find your niche–in other words, do what you love to do and what you’re good at! Then, make sure you’re charging what you’re actually worth. That’s how you make money!
Ditch Waste & Cut Down on Expenses
Even the most frugal stylists likely have a little waste they could do without–even if they think they’ve got it covered.
Take a good, hard look at your expenses. What could be costing you in the long run?
Right away, we can tell you one that most stylist deal with – no-show appointments. Yep, these count as wasted expenses. Why? Because that’s an hour (or two or three), you’ve blocked off for someone who didn’t show–those are hours you could have been making money!
If you don’t take deposits or have a charge-for-no-show policy, we highly recommend you look into that ASAP and mitigate the risk of wasting your time (and costing yourself more money).
Avoid Costly Mistakes (Actual or Alleged) with Beauty Pro Liability Insurance
Really want to save money, invest wisely, and make more? The best thing you can do for yourself is to invest in something that mitigates risk. AKA, beauty pro liability insurance.
We know, we know–beauty pro insurance, cosmetologist liability insurance, or esthetician liability insurance may not sound like the sexiest money tip.
But it’s a super valid point. Part of making wise choices with your money is knowing how to protect yourself, your business, and your future–and that’s the entire purpose of beauty insurance (like EBS’ beauty insurance).
Liability insurance protects you against claims (actual or alleged), mitigates risk, and helps you handle any financial or legal repercussions that result from allegations. Without protection, you’re on the hook to handle all that yourself–AKA, that could mean a lot more of your hard-earned money going down the drain to manage the damages.
Plan for the Future
It’s easy to get into the rhythm of making a ton of money now–but if you’re not making smart moves with that money for the future, you’re doing yourself a major disservice. Thinking about retirement from a young age is the ultimate business flex.
Why? Because you’re preparing yourself for the future! Wait–don’t tell us that you want to work forever, do you? We’re sure not (no one does)–no matter how much you love your job.
Our eBook can give you plenty of helpful tips for kickstarting your retirement, insurance, and tax plans–all things that go hand in hand with planning for the future.
So, what are you thinking? It’s probably time to download that eBook bundle, huh?
If you loved the little taste of advice we gave in this blog; you’re going to flip for the eBooks in this bundle. Consider these little guides the BIG career guidance you’ve been looking for.
Download now, and don’t forget–we’ve got plenty more where that came from. When you subscribe to EBS, we always let you know when we drop hot advice, career-boosting tips, and insight from the greatest in the industry.
P.S., if you’re looking for the best liability insurance in the game, you’ll want to check out our beauty pro insurance, too!